How Ad Payer Works
Get Paid 5 YUSD Just to Read This Ad
Sounds a little crazy, right?
Yeah, to us too.
But it's for real.
We are paying you to complete tasks, and reading "This ad" is just one task of many that you can do - and Get Paid For!
You get paid in YUSD. YUSD is a crypto coin.
1 YUSD equals $1 U.S. Dollar.
That's a fixed price. That price will remain the same forever.
To get paid, you must pay blockchain gas fees.
These can sometimes be fairly expensive so we suggest you complete several assignments before you complete the "Get Paid" form.
That way, you won't lose any money.
When you Register, (go to the Get Paid form) if you include your email address, we will send you new assignments to complete as they become available.
Do Not click the last button on the form, (I sent ETH). Wait until you have completed several Assignments or Tasks before you send ETH.
We currently have over 40 assignments and Tasks you can complete.
The pay for these ranges from 1 YUSD to 250 YUSD.
You can find some of these on the Ad Payer page.
The rest you can find on the Earn Daily page.
Complete a handful of assignments, take a screenshot of each completed assignment (Task), then return to the Ad Payer page (Do not use the Earn Daily page), and use the Upload form to upload the screenshots of your completed assignments.
Register on Earn Daily and complete the "Register Task."
You will receive 5 YUSD just for registering.
Review the assignments - Tasks - on the Earn Daily page.
You can complete these tasks in any order you choose.
You can complete these as often as you choose, whenever possible.
When you complete a Task on the Earn Daily page, Return to the Ad Payer page and use the Upload form to upload your screenshot of your completed task on the Ad Payer page.
When you have completed several assignments, and you have the 0.015 ETH to send, go to the Ad Payer page, click on the Get Paid button and complete the form to get paid.
Please wait up to 24 hours to get paid.
If you don't get paid within 24 hours, please contact Customer Service at
Include your User Name, email and the screenshots of your completed Tasks.
We will make sure you get paid for all Tasks and Assignments you have completed.